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Shopping Centre has come under fire after members of the public

A Shopping centre in #middleton has come under the spotlight after members of the public have called for a ban on vaping inside its premises.

Middleton Shopping Centre | ManchesterToday
Middleton Shopping Centre | ManchesterToday

Middleton Shopping Centre has come under fire after members of the public have urged that the Centre imposes a ban/limit on the vaping that it allows inside its building

This comes after the Shopping centre posted to its Facebook page announcing the brand-new opening of another vaping store inside the shopping centre.

One person commented saying "I’d like to see signs saying no vaping or E-cigs in the centre .. as a COPD sufferer it’s a nightmare .. thank you "

Middelton shopping centre responded by saying "Many thanks for your comment and whilst we appreciate your concerns, currently there are no specific laws which forbid the use of vaping in public places. Should this change we will act in accordance with the law"

Although the law does state that the use of vaping devices indoors is generally permitted in the UK unless a specific establishment or public area has imposed a ban It is down to the Shopping centre to take action on banning the substance inside its premises

Another person commented saying "Most places say no smoking or vaping surely you should be seen as pro-active In this for the benefit or the many and not the few"

The shopping centre later responded to comments saying "We have put a sign in the lift today following your comments. Individual retailers will need to make their own decisions on whether they wish to stop visitors vaping inside their stores"

Although the signage is a step towards the right direction for those wanting a ban it's still a small step to actually becoming a full ban inside the centre.

It's now down to other retailers to follow and issue their own bans but we can expect that within time many stores will start displaying signs stating "No Vaping" Manchester Today have contacted the shopping centre today for a comment.


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