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Unfair Dismissal, Professional Misconduct and animal cruelty

Updated: Jul 28

A veterinary clinic in Middleton is facing backlash following the unfair dismissal and mistreatment of a client who lodged a complaint regarding the treatment of himself and his puppy by the staff on Friday, August 25, 2023.

Vets4Pets Middleton

On August 25th, a client from Vets4Pets Middleton contacted the practice regarding his puppy's back leg injury, which he suspected might be a broken leg. During the call to Vets4Pets Middleton, he spoke with a receptionist named Louise Robinson, informing her of the incident and asking if he could bring his puppy in for an assessment. After being told by the receptionist that no appointments were available that day, the client inquired about bringing his puppy to the clinic due to her severe pain from a potential broken leg. The puppy was not eating or drinking and required pain relief.

Once more, he was informed that he wouldn't be seen immediately and that the next appointment slot was on Monday, which was not classified as an emergency. He inquired about ways to keep his puppy comfortable and if there was any medication he could administer, but was advised not to give anything until the puppy had been examined by a veterinarian.

The client was subsequently directed to Michelle Heywood, the practice manager, who relayed that the receptionist had reported the client for being abusive and inappropriate due to raising his voice. The client refuted these claims, asserting that he had remained composed and courteous throughout the interaction. He mentioned that he stayed calm and polite despite the circumstances. During the call, he was in the presence of two witnesses who were looking after the puppy.

The practice manager reiterated that no appointments were available that day due to a shortage of staff. The client inquired once more about how to keep his puppy comfortable or if there was anything he could administer for the pain. The practice manager advised against giving anything, cautioning that it could be harmful or given in the incorrect dosage, and recommended waiting for a vet to examine and evaluate the puppy.

The client did not receive any guidance on emergency veterinary services or contact information during the phone call that took place at approximately 2:00 PM on Friday, August 25th, 2023. The practice manager scheduled an appointment for Saturday at 9:40 AM. The client had to make a strong plea to have their puppy seen earlier in order to receive pain relief, as otherwise, the puppy would have had to endure pain and suffering for about 19 hours until the scheduled appointment.

The practice manager instructed the client to visit later that day at 3:00 PM for pain medication, clarifying that it was not a scheduled appointment and no veterinary assessment would take place, only pain relief would be provided.

During the 3:00 pm appointment, the practice manager weighed the puppy and administered injectable pain relief and anti-inflammatory medication for the swelling on her leg. Since it was not a scheduled appointment, no X-ray was taken. At the Saturday appointment, the vet determined that the puppy had injured her hip, providing pain relief and a one-week course of anti-inflammatory medication. The owner was advised to ensure one week of restricted rest; however, no X-ray was performed to assess potential breaks, fractures, or the extent of the injury.

Upon returning home, the client lodged a formal complaint with the practice regarding the treatment he and the puppy received. Subsequently, he sought the assistance of a VCMS mediator to secure an apology from Vets4Pets Middleton. Additionally, he asked for a copy of the phone call recording to demonstrate that his behavior was not abusive or inappropriate, but this request was denied by the practice manager's response.

Shortly after receiving the apology from Vets4Pets Middleton, practice manager Michelle Heywood informed the client via email that he is being terminated as a client. He was given a ten-day notice to seek another veterinarian as they will no longer provide services to him.

Manchester Today have contacted Vets4Pets Middleton for a comment but have yet to hear back. Follow Manchester Today on Facebook, and Instagram. Send your story ideas to

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I hate seeing articles like this especially when this was a very well established and trusted practice by many and had the support of local buisnesses sadly some of which have ended partnerships and support for Vets4Pets Middleton. Hopefully things can be resolved for the Client and the relationship can be resolved for the future of the practice.

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